Legal Description
Part of the Southeast ¼ of Section 27, Town 6 North, Range 12 East, Almont Township, Lapeer County, State of Michigan, described as: Commencing at the South ¼ Corner of said Section 27; thence S.89°35’20”E., 734.18 feet along the South line of said Section 27 to the Point of Beginning; thence
N.01°34’40”E., 701.96 feet: thence N.89°35’16”W., 71.99 feet; thence N.00°01’04”W., 492.74 feet; thence S.89°35’24”E., 940.71 feet; thence S.01°34’40”W., 416.79 feet; thence N.89°35’20”W., 280.00 feet; thence S.01°34’40”W., 778.02 feet to the South line of said Section 27; thence along said South line, N.89°35’20”W., 575.00 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 19.339 acres.
Subject to the rights of the public for highway purposes along Hough Road.
Subject to all easements, restrictions, and right of ways of record, if any.